The Turboline.NLQ2SQL.MySQL package enables developers to convert natural language queries into SQL for MySQL databases. It integrates seamlessly with .NET applications, allowing non-technical users to query databases using natural language. The package simplifies configuration by requiring a connection string, API key, and application settings. It is ideal for building AI-powered applications and dashboards that support natural language queries.

Download Nuget Package

Download your package here.


To integrate MySQL Turboline Packages into your application efficiently and effectively.

Key Steps

  1. Create a blank project using the ASP.NET web app model view controller.
  2. Choose .NET 8.0 for the project.
  3. Select individual accounts for authentication.
  4. Install the MySQL package from NuGet packages. dotnet add package Turboline.NLP2SQL.MySQL
  5. Add code in the program.cs file:
    • Add namespace using Turboline.NLQ2SQL.MySQL;.
    • Add builder.Services.EnableTurbolineDashboard(builder.Configuration).ActivateMysql();.
    • Add app.UseTurbolineDashboard().UseMysql(); after the controller route.
  6. Update the application settings with the following configurations:
    • Set MySQL as the database type.
    • Provide the connection string for the database.
    • Add an API key obtained from the plan subscription from
    • Set an app name and logo URL.

"NLQ2SQLSettings": {
  "mySql": {
    "ConnectionString": "<Connectionstring>"
  "APIKey": "",
  "AppName": "Amtev Data Studio, Powered by Turboline",
  "Logo": ""

  1. Run the project to complete the setup.
  2. To access the Turboline NLQ to MySQL, navigate /Turboline/mysql.

Cautionary Notes

  • Ensure correct installation of the MySQL package from NuGet.
  • Double-check the code additions in the program.cs file for accuracy.
  • Securely store and manage the API key obtained from the subscription plan.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Follow the steps sequentially to avoid missing any crucial configurations.
  • Keep all necessary information and URLs handy for quick reference during setup.
  • Test the integration thoroughly after completion to ensure functionality.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate MySQL Turboline Packages into your application within a few minutes.

Tutorial: Generate API Keys

Tutorial: Integrate Turboline Package in Your .NET Application